Today is #GivingTuesday

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Please consider donating to the Jeremy Stom Remembrance Foundation today, #GivingTuesday. JSRF brings hope to under-resourced adolescents by providing them with opportunities to self explore and learn in a safe environment. The Foundation provides financial support to participants for youth camps, educational trips, and school extracurricular activities. The experiences these young adults gain can help shape the direction of their lives. Please give them the opportunity to Experience Hope. Donate today!

JSRF is a 100% volunteer and IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization.  Donations are 100% deductible to the full extent permitted by law. JSRF and other charities in good standing are registered at To view enter “Jeremy Stom Remembrance Foundation” after the disclaimer.

Peace, Love & Gratitude
Ciri, Scott & Sayra Stom

How Have Your Donations Helped?

Through your generous support 43 teens have been sponsored since the inception of JSRF in 2011 (see chart above). Wow! These numbers far exceeded our initial goal of helping at least one teen per year! We express our thanks for the heartfelt donations of so many caring people.And now, JSRF is pleased to announce the sponsorship of members of the Boys Track Team at the Chicago Jesuit Academy for the school calendar years 2015-16 and 2016-17. This is especially exciting and meaningful because 15-20 boys will have the opportunity to participate in the same sport that Jeremy so enjoyed during his years at Stevenson High School. We hope JSRF will continue to be your charity of choice and together we will continue to help teens “Experience Hope”.

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