Dear JSRF Friends,
It has been several months since our last e-Newsletter. As you recall in April and May we remembered our beloved sons, Jeremy and Jean. To say the least April and May continue to be the hardest months; with the anniversaries and birthdays of both boys falling within a 35 day span. We thank all who reached out via text, phone calls, email, Facebook, snail mail, as well as those who joined us at the Masses. Summer arrived, and within a blink of an eye it will be over. However, rest assured we have been busy with what we love most about Jeremy’s foundation … providing teens an experience of hope! This year we sponsored 38 teens who attended spiritual retreats, day and resident camps in Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri, and Alabama, lacrosse, soccer, football and basketball summer camps in Illinois, and for the second year in a row, JSRF sponsored the entire track team at the Chicago Jesuit Academy. This was our most diverse offering ever!
It is with gratitude and a humble heart that I can share with you that our grand total since the inception of JSRF in 2011 has reached 120 teens ~ far exceeding our initial goal of 1 teen per year! On behalf of all the teens, thank you for caring and making a difference. We believe our teens will never forget this tremendous opportunity that was only made possible because of YOU!
Peace, Love, & Gratitude,
Ciri, Scott, & Sayra
Excerpt … Summer 2017
“This past weekend I was graced with the ability to join the retreat. This is all thanks to your generous support in giving me a scholarship for the trip. Many of the activities helped strengthen my faith, but Saturday night adoration was the most empowering. Thank you again to those of you at the Jeremy Stom Foundation who made all of this possible.”
Honoring Jean
As many of you know Jeremy’s brother Jean was a veteran who served in the Army 82nd Airborne Division. JSRF strives to honor Jeans memory, whenever possible, by providing scholarships to teens of veterans and military families. This year we had the privilege of connecting with an organization entitled, “Salute Incorporated”. Salute, Inc. is dedicated to helping injured military service members, veterans and their families with financial, physical and emotional needs. Through this organization we were able to connect with and sponsor two daughters of an army veteran!
Yoga, Wine and Chocolate
Our 6th Annual Yoga, Wine and Chocolate fundraiser that was held on March 31st was once again a sold out event raising just over $2,200!
The talented Laurie Kane & Kate O’Donnell topped last year’s event with an unforgettable evening. We were fortunate to have two yoga teachers this year. A special thank you to Susan Fackler (Yoga Nidra teacher) who added an extra layer of peace and relaxation.
Finally, a very sincere thank you to all our beautiful yogis and non-yogis who year after year continue to support JSRF!