Remembering Jean on his 9th Anniversary
Jean Forever Loved and Remembered …
Ten days ago we remembered Jeremy on his 10th anniversary of death. Today we remember his older brother, Jean, who passed away just one year and 10 days later on May 5, 2010. As we shared in our last email the pain of losing a child is at times unbearable, but the pain of losing two makes you question just about everything in life.
We miss you Jean so much. We miss your playful sense of humor, your good-natured easy going way that made anyone who met you want to know you more. We miss your caring and consideration for others, and your excitement and enjoyment in the simple pleasures of spending time with the family. We miss the wonderful son you would be to us today and the life you would be sharing with your two sons.
We find some solace knowing that Jean’s memory lives on through his two beautiful sons Nicholas and Mason, and through their eyes we get a glimpse of Jean here on earth.
Remembering Jean on Cinco de Mayo
Jean will be remembered today, May 5th, 2019 at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lake Zurich at the 12:30 PM Mass during the intercession prayers.